Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Are Parents Of Fat Kids Negligent?

Maybe you ought to think twice before giving your child that candy or cookie, especially if they are overweight.  A growing number of people are saying parents of obese kids are negligent.  Two extremely obese Georgia kids were removed from their home a few weeks ago and the parents were charged with child abuse.  The 5 year old daughter weighed 158 lbs and had trouble walking.  The 4 year old weighed over 100 lbs, twice that of a normal child that age.  In addition to being overweight, the kids were living in a filthy home and were not properly cared for.  
Experts are in disagreement about whether having an obese child is abuse, in and of itself.  As childhood obesity is on the rise, social services departments are seeing more and more obese kids when investigating child abuse claims.  
What do you think?  Should parents of obese kids be considered negligent?  Are obese kids a sign that child neglect is happening in the home?

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Dear Pat,
Wanted you to know that since I started exercising back in July I've cut my insulin dose in half. I'm hoping to be off by November 2010. =) Thanks for your Fitness Minute. You help me get through my tough times on that tread mill.

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