Here are some of my favorite stretches:

Relax the abdominals as if dropping your belly towards the floor beneath you, arching your back, tilting your pelvic bone back and lifting your chest. Look towards the ceiling without straining your neck.
Engage your abdominals as if pulling your navel towards your spine and round your back towards the ceiling. Allow the head and neck to fall naturally between the arms.
Hamstring Stretch
Lie on your back with your legs extended and your back straight. Keep your hips level and your lower back down on the floor. Bend your right knee towards your chest, keeping your left leg extended on the floor.
Slowly straighten your right knee, grabbing the back of your leg with both hands. Pull your leg towards your gently while keeping both hips on the floor.
Lower Back Stretch
Lie on your back with your legs extended and your back straight. Keep your hips level and your lower back down on the floor.
Bend both knees towards your chest, placing hands across your knees or shins.

Lie on your back with your legs extended and your back straight. Keep your hips level and your lower back down on the floor. Bend your left knee, placing left foot flat on the floor. Cross your right ankle at your left knee.
Hip and Lower Back Stretch
Lie on your back with your legs extended and your back straight. Keep your hips level and your lower back down on the floor. Bend your right knee towards your chest, grabbing it with your left hand. Place your right hand out to the side.
Keeping your shoulder blades square (on the mat) use your left hand to guide your right knee across your body and towards the floor on your left side. Allow your right arm to come up off the floor if it needs to.
Seated Toe Touch Stretch
Sit on the floor, back straight, shoulders down, abs engaged, and legs extended in front of you.
Bend forward from the waist, reaching your hands towards your toes. Imaging reaching your chin towards your toes in front of you (not towards your legs).
Standing IT Band Stretch
Stand tall with you legs together, arms relaxed and back straight. Step your left leg behind your right leg, toes pointing forward and legs straight. Put your right hand on your hip and reach your left arm up in line with the shoulder.
Breathe slowly and steadily as you push your hips toward the left and reach your left arm overhead and to the right.
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