On a chilly Thanksgiving Day in 2004, 4-year-old Hannah Turner was helping serve dinner to the needy at Toledo's Cherry Street Mission.
In the middle of the hustle and bustle of doing her part to fill plates, she tugged on her mother Doris' sweater.
"Mommy, won't his feet be cold?"
Hannah had focused on a man in line wearing shoes that had split open to reveal he had no socks on, and her small face reflected concern.
Doris tried to reassure her: "His shoes will keep his toes warm." She didn't know how they could help with all staff focused on the meal, and she didn't want her daughter carrying a burden.
Hannah — too smart, too big of heart — was unconvinced.
"Mommy, he can have my socks," she said.
That next day, Doris took Hannah to purchase and distribute socks to local shelters. They were able to collect and donate over 100 pairs around Toledo. Over two more years, and with amazing support from friends and family, they distributed nearly 10,000 total pairs of socks to partner shelters.
Doris and husband Vic quickly discovered that of all the materials donated to shelters, new socks and undergarments are given the least and needed the most. They created Hannah's Socks with the goal of addressing that problem, and they need your help.
Learn how to make yourself part of this great story today: If you have questions, don't hesitate to Email Us or phone (419) 931-4757.
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