When it comes to your health, your waist size can be a predictor of heart disease. Ideally, your waist size should be less than 1/2 your height. So, if you are 5'3",or 63" tall, your waist size should be less than 31".
High bloo

Know your cholesterol levels. Your LDL should be less than 100 and your HDL should be greater than 40. It helps to remember your LDL is your lousy cholesterol level and should be less than 100 and your HDL is your healthy cholesterol level and should be greater than 40. Total cholesterol should be less than 200.

Keeping tabs on your waist size, blood pressure and cholesterol levels will help to reduce your risk of heart disease.
What do you suggest for people that really do have a hard time even starting to exercise?
I tell people to start with a small goal such as 10 min. a day. Even 10 minutes of exercise a day will improve your health. It's also important to find the reason why you want to exercise. Is it that you want to lose weight? to have more energy? to keep your bones strong? Find the reason that is important to you. It will help to keep you motivated.
But I don't seem to have a waist, I've always been rather straight up & down :(
the top of my hip bone is just under my bottom rib, so I'm 6 cm too big around the middle, but I'm told I'm skinny.
Even though you may not be overweight, having too much fat around your middle is not healthy. The theory is excess fat around the middle produces harmful toxins to the organs and can cause disease. Keep up that walking program and watch your calories!
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